This site has technical information and some modification information on the above Motorola mobile radio models. Information on Motorola part numbers and optional accessories such as the Vehicle Repeater System (VRS), PAC-PL, PAC-RT repeaters, Hand Held Control Head (HHCH) and Direct Entry Keyboard (DEK), just to name a few options, is also provided. The table of contents below is a good place to start (please read the Introduction first). If you like, you can use the detailed contents page which has all the Syntor, Syntor X, Syntor X 9000, Syntor X 9000E and Spectra links. Check here for the latest web site revisions (Spectra revisions to be added later).
I have located a manual (6881102E27) for a Syntor X System 90*s Quick Call II decoder that uses tone reeds. There is supposed to be a Syntor X QC II decoder that programs with jumper wires. Does anyone have this QC II manual part number?It would appear there is a T45FDJ5J27AK Privacy Plus version of the Syntor X 9000E which is based on the standard X 9000 Personality Board. Does anyone have a manual part number for this radio? I need more complete information to add it to the trunking model page and the quick locator. There may also be a Smartnet version?Motorola lists Hand Held Control Head (HHCH) manuals: 6807993D07 and 6807993D09. Can anyone please tell me if any of these are the Syntor X 9000 HHCH service manual or otherwise identify them?Any manual numbers or manuals for Syntor X DVP-XL.
Reasonable efforts are being made to eliminate errors, but unfortunately errors are unavoidable when dealing with this much detailed information. For the time being, the entire site is actively under creation/construction so there will be lots of errors (big and small). I have almost given up on finding a proof reader / technical information checker to help out, so I apologize in advance for any errors, especially ones that are long term.
Some of the major items that are under construction are marked in the individual table of contents. However, any part of this web site is considered to be under construction or growing at this time. This web site has been conscientiously designed without any cookies, java, activex, pop-ups, frames, shockwave, etc. or anything else to get in the way of minimal browsers, firewalls or system security policies.
You are welcome to look at and comment on the content of this web site. Please use the contact page for my e-mail address.
The following information is intended to assist in resurrecting and using conventional Syntor, conventional Syntor X, conventional Syntor X 9000, Spectra and converting trunking Syntor X 9000E into conventional Syntor X 9000 radios. Limited information is also provided for trunking Syntor X and trunking Syntor X 9000 radios. All further references to any Syntor, Syntor X, Syntor X 9000 radios are implied to be conventional radios, parts and accessories whether or not it is explicitly stated as conventional.
This web site is not intended to replace Motorola’s documentation which also contains important safety and handling instructions and references to additional safety information. I may mention common safety and/or handling instructions from time to time, but these are only sporadic reminders and are not as complete or comprehensive as the information contained in the factory manuals. Many times I will not mention any safety and/or handling instructions at all. If you are ever in any doubt about or are not familiar with any safety or handling issues, please get qualified assistance first!
In order to maintain, work on or modify any radios, technical expertise is required. Nothing in this document or web site is intended to, nor can it be expected to, provide training for or substitute for this technical expertise. Before you work on any electronic equipment, please make sure you can do so competently and safely without endangering/damaging yourself, the equipment or anyone else.
Only negative ground connections and installations are covered by these documents. If you have a positive ground installation refer to the manuals for positive ground directions and realize that these web site documents will not be correct for positive ground installations. For example; directions to ground a line only refer to a negative ground installation and are totally wrong for a positive ground installation. Some jumper settings could even be different and a whole host of other problems can crop up, so you are on your own if you use positive ground.
This paragraph will hopefully clear up some confusion over the use of VPA, DVP and Securenet. VPA stands for Voice Privacy Adaptor and is it a simple audio frequency inversion scheme that discourages casual listeners. Anyone with a VPA can unscramble these transmissions (i.e. there is no encryption key). VPA was superseded by Digital Voice Protection (DVP). DVP is an encryption scheme with an encryption key. Anyone with DVP can not decode these transmissions without the correct key. In the early days of DVP, Motorola’s main product lines emphasized their DVP encryption scheme. The manuals and accessories were identified as DVP parts which also matched the name of the DVP encryption scheme (i.e. DVP was used both as a generic term for encryption and as the name of the specific DVP encryption algorithm). Motorola also introduced other encryption schemes like DES and DVI. I assume this is when DVP was replaced with Securenet for the manuals and accessories (i.e. Securenet replaced DVP as a generic term for encryption using an encryption key). For example, some Syntor X manuals are identified as DVP, but I know DES had been added to the Syntor X line, which made the DVP manual titles misleading or confusing. In brief, as it is used in many Syntor X Motorola manuals this way, DVP and Securenet are interchangeable, unless you are talking about the actual DVP encryption scheme. Unlike DVP, Securenet is not also the name of a specific encryption scheme.
Please keep in mind that VPA, DVP and Securenet in all their various forms are not legal for amateur radio (HAM) use if they obscure the meaning or content of your radio communications. APCO25 has been approved for HAM use, but APCO25 used with encryption still can not be legally used to obscure the meaning or content of your HAM radio communications. Of course un-encrypted APCO25 can not be monitored without an APCO25 capable receiver and some people have apparently mistaken this for encryption.
Watch out for Motorola equipment that has model numbers that end with an SPnn (the nn are numeric digits). Sometimes it is useful, other times this special equipment may be useless. An example of useless was e-mailed to me. The Syntor X 9000 radio model number T34KEJ7J04AKSP99 is a receiver only. The RF Power Amplifier deck is missing, the radio housing never even had the screw holes for the missing RF PA threaded and other Tx wires and parts are missing. It is a nice working Syntor X 9000 receiver, but if you expected an entire radio including the transmitter you will be very disappointed. An example of useful is the T51VBJ7204AKSP01, T51VBJ7D04AKSP01 and T51VBJ7J04AKSP01 Syntor X low band radios. These are Syntor X low band radios with reduced 60 watt power levels and are complete functioning radios. Motorola is the only entity that possibly has any idea of how many SP variations they created (they may have even forgotten some of them themselves). Consider this to be a heads up type warning, unless you already know the SP equipment details, you are entering completely uncharted territory when you mess with SP equipment.
Also be on the lookout for Part Numbers or Unified Chassis Numbers that start with the letter “Y” as in a VHF Unified Chassis Number starting with “YUD…” instead of the normal “HUD…”. A Y can mean it is a special product. One good example is the Syntor X 9000 Hand Held Control Head dual radios (one control head works 2 radio drawers) use the Y prefix on most of their part numbers for the cables and interface. These are the “standard” working, useful parts. Sometimes the Y prefix can be a special part that may or may not be useful. Again, when you see these parts gather all the information you can on them first and hopefully they will turn out to be what you wanted.
When Motorola prices are given on this web site, they are usually out of date. Motorola typically changes their pricing on a quarterly basis and it is not practical for me to try and keep up with these changes.
The conventional Syntor models are the oldest radios of the group. The radio itself has very little in common with any Syntor X, Syntor X 9000 or Syntor X 9000E radios. The Syntor radios do not have built in microprocessor control units, their early synthesizers did not have much of a frequency range, they use a 10.7 MHz first mixer IF and the UHF radios use a tripler on the VCO output. Because the Syntor has no microprocessor, there are no trunking models. They are good solid radios. The receiver front end frequency range is designed for up to 2 MHz (you can stretch them out more than this), and they have to be hand tuned even within their original factory coverage, as well as programming the PROM when you set them up. The Received Audio Shaping (RAS) is all done after the volume control, so there is no external filtered audio output (except the speaker of course). Scanning is run by an external scan control head accessory, which means the Syntor priority scanning performance does not compare with later models like the Syntor X and the total number of modes scanned is small. Some Syntor control head accessories will work on the Syntor X radios, but many will not or need modifications to do so. The Syntor model and unified chassis numbers have been provided to help with radio identification along with other information.
The conventional Syntor X models are a step up and are the foundation the Syntor X 9000 / 9000E radios were built on. These radios have internal microprocessor control units, better synthesizer ranges, use a 53.9 MHz first mixer IF (the low band uses 75.7 MHz) and only the 800 MHz radios use a doubler on the VCO output. Unlike previous commercial radios that need front end retuning, these are true wide frequency range front end radios that do not require any retuning within the entire factory frequency range. The Received Audio Shaping (RAS) is all done after the volume control, so there is no external filtered audio output (except the speaker of course). Scanning is handled by the built in microprocessor and it has two priority modes with 32 modes at one time maximum scanning. They use System 90*s accessories and can use some Syntor/Micor/Mitrek System 90 accessories, but they are totally incompatible with Systems 9000 Syntor X 9000 / 9000E control heads and accessories. When combined with the Motorola manuals and Paul’s web site, this web site reveals most of the “secrets” of these radios.
The conventional Syntor X 9000 models are a further improvement on the Syntor X and they introduced the Systems 9000 control heads and accessories. Their chassis and RF sections are very much the same as Syntor X radios. The Personality Board and Common Circuits Board are the main difference. The Received Audio Shaping (RAS) is all done before the volume control, so there is an external filtered audio output. Scanning is handled by the built in microprocessor and it has two priority modes with 128 modes at one time maximum scanning. This is one of the few Motorola communications radios that can scan large numbers of modes (the MCX-1000 is another). The Systems 9000 alphanumeric control heads and expanded programmable features give them a totally different appearance and feel. This web site provides supplemental and some hard to find information on these radios and accessories, but is by no means comprehensive. These radios only use Systems 9000 accessories that can not be used on the older Syntor or Syntor X radio models. However, the Syntor X radio drawer can be converted into a Syntor X 9000 radio drawer.
The trunking Syntor X 9000E models are actually conventional Syntor X 9000 radios with a new internal trunking controller board plugged into J301, different Personality Board jumper settings and different firmware in U501. These radios can be easily converted into conventional Syntor X 9000 radios. BTW, the trunking Syntor X 9000 radio is based on a trunking Syntor X radio drawer that has a special trunking Personality Board, so do not confuse these two very different trunking radios (see next paragraph).
The trunking Syntor X and trunking Syntor X 9000 radio model, unified chassis and manual identification information has been provided to help with radio identification. These radios all have special trunking Personality Boards and control heads that are not compatible with conventional radios.
The Spectra models are an evolutionary improvement of the Syntor X 9000 / 9000E radios. The Received Audio Shaping (RAS) is all done before the volume control, so there is an external filtered audio output. Some versions of the Spectra use the same type of control heads as the Syntor X 9000, but the cables are different. The Spectra also has some totally new control heads. Some of these radios come in dash mount configurations (finally, something other than just trunk mount). The Spectra radios are newer and have more standard features built into the basic radio drawer (including the trunking data handling hardware). Conventional and trunking Spectra radios can simply have different code plugs. Scanning is handled by the built in microprocessor and it has two priority modes with 16 modes maximum at one time scanning. This web site provides basic information on these radios and accessories, but is by no means comprehensive.
As always, check out BATLABS web site and Repeater-builder Motorola Index web site for more information on all these radios.
The Syntor X lowband, Syntor X 9000 lowband and all Spectra radios use electronic PIN diode transmit/receive (T/R) switching. All other Syntor, Syntor X 9000 and Syntor X 9000E radios use relay T/R switching.
Much older crystal controlled radios usually had separate Rx and Tx oscillators. This made it possible to convert a single mobile radio into a repeater. All of these radios, Syntor, Syntor X, Syntor X 9000, Syntor X 9000E and Spectra, use a single synthesizer for both receive and transmit. This means repeater conversions of these radios require two separate radios. It is not practical to make any one of these radios both receive and transmit at the same time. Even if you add a custom offset oscillator/mixer/filter for the receive and transmit frequency offset, keep in mind that the transmitter audio directly modulates the VCO frequency (it it true FM, not phase modulation) which means the receiver would also be attempting to use a modulated VCO (i.e. it would be very detrimental to the receiver). You would have to make a custom oscillator/mixer/filter that you could modulate, disconnect the existing VCO from the Tx buffer, then connect the new Tx modulation circuit to the Tx buffer. Needless to say it would be a very messy and very complex modification. To get sufficient modulation deviation you would probably have to use a doubled, tippled crystal or a phase locked loop for your custom oscillator, which would make your modification almost as complex as the second radio you are trying to avoid using. The other equally complex solution would be to make a custom Rx tuning oscillator. Just using two radio drawers is so much easer.
The Syntor X, Syntor X 9000 and Syntor X 9000E radios use a drop shadow graphic behind the X. This drop shadow is cosmetic only and there are no Motorola Syntor XX, Syntor XX 9000 or Syntor XX 9000E radios. Even manuals that have this drop shadow X on the cover do not have any XX models in their model charts, anywhere! However, there are Syntor X2 and Syntor X3 trunking radios, so the use of the XX can be potentially confusing and should be avoided.
Another common and even more confusing mistake is to call a Syntor X 9000 or Syntor X 9000E control head an A9 control head. A9 control heads are conventional Spectra Systems 9000 control heads and some of them may need some modifications to get them work with a Syntor X 9000 radio. Sometimes Spectra B9 (trunking Privacy Plus), C9 (trunking Smartnet), E9 (trunking Spectra II) or W9 (Astro Spectra) control heads are also mistakenly called A9 (conventional) Spectra control heads. The Spectra A9, B9, etc., designation actually means the control head must be Systems 9000E compatible. For example; anyone that referred to an old Systems 9000 HCN1033 or HCN1041 control head as an A9, B9, etc., control head, would be totally misrepresenting these control heads as they are not Systems 9000E compatible and will not program on a Spectra. Just because the control heads look the same (except for the part number tag), absolutely does not in any way make them the same. Most of the Systems 9000 control heads share the same circuit boards, hardware, etc. and can be converted into Syntor X 9000 control heads with varying amounts of difficulty (i.e. firmware and/or programming and/or EEPROM changes).
Please see this web site for additional information on the Syntor / X / X 9000 / Spectra radio lines:
The Syntor, SyntorX, Syntor X 9000 and Syntor X 9000E model numbers are located on the front of the radio by the handle or on the handle.
I have encountered five distinctly different types of radio model number tags. Here are the examples shown with a VHF radio model (most of the other information is left blank):
EXAMPLE # 1 | ||||
FCC Tx Data | ||||
FCC Rx Data | ||||
Model No. | T83SRA3J00AK | |||
Serial No. |
EXAMPLE # 2 | ||||
FCC Tx Data | Model No. | T73VBJ7204AK | ||
FCC Rx Data | Serial No. |
EXAMPLE # 3 | ||||
FCC ID | Model No. | T73VBJ7204AK | ||
Serial No. |
EXAMPLE # 4 | ||||
FCC ID | Model # T99VB+001W I.D. # T73VBJ7204AK Serial # |
EXAMPLE # 5 | ||||||
Type DOC Approval | Model | T33VBJ3204-MFY | RF | |||
Serial No. |
Sometimes the model number is labeled as the I.D. instead of the model number (see example # 4). The “T99VB+001W” model number is some kind of internal number that does not appear in any manual I have found (the T99VB+001W number is just an example, there are many variations of these numbers).
The documented model number from the Motorola service manuals is found directly above the serial number. Motorola has an old model number naming convention that is used on the Syntor X radio lines. The T stands for Trunk mount, the next digit is for the power output (3 is the lowest and 8 is the highest), the next digit is for the frequency coverage (1 = low band, 3 = VHF, 4 = UHF and 5 = 800 MHz) and the next 3 letters identify the radio line and Securenet capability (i.e. VBJ or VXJ).
Often the information posted in a for sale notice or auction notice will have the useless “T99VB+001W” (or similar) number. In this case you will need to ask the seller for the I.D. number, but not the FCC ID number.
The FCC Tx Data, FCC Rx Data and FCC ID are only government issued type approval numbers that Motorola had to obtain before they could sell the radios.
Example number 5 is from a Canadian Syntor X radio and it uses DOC Approval numbers instead of FCC approval numbers. The example VHF model number is not standard either.
The Spectra and Spectra II model number is labeled as the I.D. and is found on the rear or side of the radio drawer.
SYNTOR RADIO MODEL QUICK LOCATOR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
T | _ | 4 | F | D | J | _ | _ | _ | _ | L | _ | 5 | V | B | B | 5 | 1 | 7 | 4 | |||||
T | _ | 5 | F | D | J | _ | _ | _ | _ | |||||||||||||||
T | _ | 1 | V | B | J | _ | _ | _ | _ | |||||||||||||||
T | _ | 4 | F | X | J | _ | _ | _ | _ | T | _ | 3 | V | B | J | _ | _ | _ | _ | |||||
T | _ | 5 | F | X | J | _ | _ | _ | _ | T | _ | 4 | V | B | J | _ | _ | _ | _ | |||||
T | _ | 5 | V | B | J | 5 | G | _ | _ | |||||||||||||||
T | _ | 1 | K | E | J | _ | _ | _ | _ | T | _ | 5 | V | B | J | 7 | 0 | _ | _ | |||||
T | _ | 3 | K | E | J | _ | _ | _ | _ | |||||||||||||||
T | _ | 4 | K | E | J | _ | _ | _ | _ | T | _ | 5 | V | K | J | 5 | G | _ | _ | |||||
T | _ | 5 | K | E | J | 5 | G | _ | _ | |||||||||||||||
T | _ | 5 | K | E | J | 7 | J | _ | _ | T | _ | 5 | V | L | J | 5 | G | _ | _ | |||||
T | _ | 1 | K | X | J | _ | _ | _ | _ | T | _ | 5 | V | S | J | 5 | G | _ | _ | |||||
T | _ | 3 | K | X | J | _ | _ | _ | _ | |||||||||||||||
T | _ | 4 | K | X | J | _ | _ | _ | _ | L | _ | 5 | V | U | B | 5 | 1 | 7 | 4 | |||||
T | _ | 5 | K | X | J | 7 | J | _ | _ | |||||||||||||||
T | _ | 5 | V | U | J | 5 | G | _ | _ | |||||||||||||||
L | _ | 5 | R | H | B | 5 | 1 | 7 | 4 | |||||||||||||||
T | _ | 1 | V | X | J | _ | _ | _ | _ | |||||||||||||||
T | _ | 5 | R | H | J | 5 | G | _ | _ | T | _ | 3 | V | X | J | _ | _ | _ | _ | |||||
T | _ | 4 | V | X | J | _ | _ | _ | _ | |||||||||||||||
R | _ | 3 | R | W | _ | 1 | 1 | 8 | 0 | T | _ | 5 | V | X | J | 5 | G | _ | _ | |||||
T | _ | 3 | S | R | A | _ | _ | _ | _ | T | _ | 5 | X | A | J | 5 | G | _ | _ | |||||
T | _ | 4 | S | R | A | _ | _ | _ | _ | |||||||||||||||
T | _ | 3 | T | X | A | _ | _ | _ | _ | |||||||||||||||
T | _ | 4 | T | X | A | _ | _ | _ | _ | |||||||||||||||
– | Syntor | |||||||||||||||||||||||
– | Syntor X Conventional | |||||||||||||||||||||||
– | Syntor X Trunking / Syntor X 9000 Trunking | |||||||||||||||||||||||
– | Syntor X 9000 Conventional / Syntor X 9000E Trunking |
- Just match up the completed letters above with the model you are looking for and click on the number. This will take you to the page with the model number information.
- Some model numbers appear to be done on a special order or contract. I have run across radio model numbers like T83VXJ that do not appear in the service manuals. Fortunately all the ones I have run across can easily be figured out by comparing them to similar radio model numbers.
- After you get to the model information be sure to check out the rest of that page for additional information on the radio model.
Motorola On-Line Retail Price Database:
The old AccessPoint on-line retail price database is gone. Motorola decided to discontinue it and repllaced it with a new service you have to sign up for. Anyone can still call 1-800-422-4210 and follow the voice mail to the price and availibility, parts ID or the order people.
If you have the part number (many are listed on this web site or found in the Motorola manuals) you can lookup the current retail price and availability on-line.
Parts service from Motorola dealers is very uneven, it depends on your location and local dealer or dealers. Some dealers are professional and very helpful. Some others appear to just want to get rid of anyone that is not interested in buying new radios. You can order the parts yourself. Sometimes the dealers get it completely wrong, claim the parts are no longer available and turn people away even when the parts are available from Motorola. At the very least you can call and double check after a dealer tells you a part is no longer available.
When you locate a Motorola part number on an actual part, for example 15E80137D05 on a microphone front housing, the “E” in 15E80137D05 indicates the size of the paper the factory part drawing was made on. This factory documentation page size is only used internally by Motorola, so you will not see it used for ordering parts. This is why part number 15E80137D05 becomes 1580137D05 or 15-80137D05 in the parts database.
Motorola manual part numbers leave out the “P” and any “-letter” at the end. For example: “68P81110E93-A” would be looked up as “6881110E93” (manuals are the only ones you must leave the revision “-letter” off of).
PL, Private Line, DPL, Digital Private Line, MPL, Talkaround, MDC-600, MDC-1200, MVS-20, Securenet, Smartnet, Privacy Plus, Trunked X2, Trunked X3, Touch Code, Quick Call II, Channel Scan, Talkback Scan, System 90, System 90*s, Systems 9000, Mitrek, Micor, Spectra, Spectra II, Astro Spectra, MataTrac, Syntor, Syntor X, Syntor X 9000 and Syntor X 9000E are trademarks of Motorola Inc.